Static hedging of vanilla and exotic options in a South African context

  • Alexis Levendis University of Pretoria
  • Eben Mare University of Pretoria


In this paper, we test the performance of a static hedging strategy for a long-dated European call option and European spread call option in South Africa. The stochastic volatility double jump (SVJJ) model is calibrated to historical FTSE/JSE Top40 returns to generate real-world FTSE/JSE Top40 prices at future dates. The SVJJ model is also calibrated to the FTSE/JSE (Top40) implied volatility surface in order to value the options under the risk-neutral measure. Two static hedging programs are then implemented to test their effectiveness when replicating a long-dated European call option and European spread call option. Our results indicate that static hedging is a simple, yet effective, solution when hedging non-exchange-traded options with vanilla exchange-traded options.


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