ORiON is the official journal of the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA) and is published biannually. Papers in the following categories are typically published in ORiON:
- Development of New Theory, which may be useful to operations research practitioners, or which may lead to the introduction of new methodologies or techniques.
- OR Success Stories, which describe demonstrably successful applications of operations research within the Southern African context (at the developing/developed economy interface) or similar environments elsewhere.
- OR Case Studies, which might not be "success stories", but which emphasize novel approaches or describe pitfalls in the application of operations research.
- OR Methodological Reviews, which survey new and potentially useful methodological developments, aimed at operations research practitioners especially in Southern Africa.
The above list is by no means exhaustive. Popular ORiON Publication Topics/Subjects:
- Arrival processes, queuing theory and applications
- Assignment, allocation and timetabling problems
- Conflict resolution and multi-criteria decision analysis
- Data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis and applications
- Decision support and decision making
- Demand, logistics and supply chain analysis
- Elections, government and development
- Financial investments, risk analysis and portfolio optimization
- Graph & network theory and applications
- Inventory control theory and management
- Knapsack, packing and cutting problems
- Mathematical (linear, nonlinear, integer, goal, dynamic) programming
- Natural resource management and conservation ecology
- Philosophy, history, marketing and teaching of operations research
- Production management and project scheduling
- Reliability, repair a bility and availability
- Theoretical and computer simulation
- Transportation networks, vehicle routing and variations of the TSP