An improved formulation of the underground mine scheduling optimisation problem when considering selective mining

  • SE Terblanche Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics, North-West University, Potchefstroom
  • A Bley Institut for Mathematics Department Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Kassel Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40 G D-34132 Kassel


The use of mixed integer programming is a modelling approach well suited to formulate the mine scheduling optimisation problem for both open pit and underground mining. The resolution applied for discretising the problem, however, has a direct effect on both the level of selectivity that can be applied to improve profitability, as well as the computational feasibility. The proposed model allows for a balance in reducing the resolution used in discretising the underground mine scheduling problem, while maintaining enough detail that will allow the generation of mine production schedules that improve profitability through selective mining. As a secondary contribution, an improved formulation set within a resource production/consumption framework is presented, which can potentially simplify notation used in formulating underground mine scheduling optimisation problems.


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